
If you are looking for exciting and adventurous experiences at Lillafüred you can find your favourite games as well. You can play at DBTK Sport- and Adventure Park, where there are footsal, snookball, cableway for children, high-wire rope course,   panic room, lasertag arena and many other games.

The 12 meter high jumping tower and the 160 meter zip line, which begins from there, give a great opportunity to put your courage to test.

For the younger children and the playful parents the playground offers some recreational experience for free of charge. But if you rather fancy to play streetball or to take a long bike trip you will not be disappointed neither.



Exciting treasure hunting adventure for playful children and adults.

Kockaforgó - kocka



Urban game customized to Lillafüred, which revives the  traditions of the area and presents its cultural history in a playful way.



Get your breath and visit Lillafüred!